A one-of-a-kind writing and personalized 21-day mentoring program

©2021 write a book in 21 days: by discovering the story within
Are you ready to change the world? Are you ready to bring your voice to the page? If so, let’s go.
Do you want to write a book but don’t know how to start? Or have you started writing a book but don’t know how to finish? Would you like the assistance of a mentor or guide to help you along the way?
“write a book in 21 days: by discovering the story within” is a unique program tailored to the aspiring author. The program includes an 80-page book with a reading for each of the 21 days and includes writing wisdom encapsulating 50 years of experience that can help you get started or get back on track with your writing project, a 100-page workbook with daily challenges designed to help you make headway on your book project, and 30 days of access (upon purchase of the program) to an experienced writing mentor and guide who can answer your questions about the program, discuss writing options and strategies, and help you with other book-related questions.
All the program requires is that you write every day for 21 consecutive days for at least 15 minutes a day (minimum), have a willingness to learn, and believe that you can author a book.
“writing a book in 21 days: by discovering the story within” is a unique and one-of-a-kind hybrid writing/mentoring program, copyrighted and privately published, and can only be purchased through The Author’s Writer. Please email us at authorswriter@yahoo.com for more information on how to start the process and to ensure that this type of writing program is the right fit for your writing needs.