Knocking Out Writer’s Block

If you read my first installment on writer’s block and the three very simple tips I gave to get started, you have probably come to the same conclusion as I have: The main source of the writer’s block conundrum is … ourselves!

There are many reasons why we get writer’s block, but here are three main ones:




Let’s examine each of these in more detail.


This reason is obvious. We put off today what we can do tomorrow, or the next day, to re-use the well-worn phrase. If you have been following my advice to write for 10 minutes per day for 7 days in a row, you’ve now established a writing routine. Remember, it doesn’t matter what you have written. It doesn’t matter if you like what you wrote. What matters is that writing is now a part of your daily routine!

Now, I’m going to use a word that many people do not like when it comes to writing. But, I am going to say it anyway.


Yep, I said it. Deadline.

Let me explain why.

I can’t tell you how many people I have met who say they would like to write a book “one day”, or that they have been working on their book for the past seven years. What does that tell you, folks?

It tells you that they have never set a deadline.

No matter what you are writing—a book, a blog, a report, an article—you will need to establish a deadline and stick to it. If it’s a longer project, such as a book, create a deadline for each chapter. And, don’t relent.



Ah, I just told you to establish a deadline and now I am telling you that pressure causes writer’s block. But, this is a different kind of pressure. This is the kind of pressure that comes from within. A personal kind of pressure.

Most of us edit while we write. When we first begin writing, we are experimenting (unbeknownst to us) at the same time we are focusing on putting our thoughts onto paper. But, how can we do those two things when we are also thinking about grammar, punctuation, spelling, and if our writing flows (whatever that really means)?

The answer is: You can’t.

That’s like chopping down trees while you’re trying to plant a forest.

The remedy?

You’re probably not going to like it.

But, I’ll repeat it again. Keep doing what you have been doing. For the past 7 days. Keep that writing routine going. If that practice is getting a little stale, here are three ways to spice up your writing routine a bit:

Write with a computer or pad (yes, now you can) but turn off the screen or don’t look at it while you are writing. Turn off autocorrect, too.

Change your ambience. Create the perfect writing environment. Dream a little. Light a candle or write in your favorite outdoor place. Change the type of pens and paper that you use.

Listen to music as you write. What types of music brings out your creativity? Do you write differently when you listen to rock versus classical?



Are you secretly worried that when you do publish your work, you will get a four-star review instead of a five? (I must admit that this worry most likely reverts back to our kindergarten days when we got those stars on our schoolwork papers and everybody compared how many starts they got .)

Now, don’t reveal the answer to that question just yet.

Because first there’s one thing you need to understand.

Not everyone will like or agree with your message. Not everyone will like or agree with you. And, you might not like their reasons or rationale for not liking what your message says or for not liking you.

That’s okay.

Not everyone is always liked.

You just want to make sure that you do not offend people. Period.

But, it’s okay if they disagree.

Civil and respectful disagreement can create conversation. In fact, as a writer, you should be craving dialogue with your readers. Because what’s the point in writing for people who already agree with what you are saying? You want to open up new doors and start new conversations. Right?

If not, you need to be more open-minded to other perspectives.

But, before you worry about your future readers, you first need to figure out what you think and what you want to say before being influenced by what others think.

So, my advice is this: When you are in the creating or invention stage of your writing, first, write for yourself.

When you are ready to write for others, be open-minded, and don’t worry about those stars.

Stay tuned for my third and final discussion on Writer’s Block which will focus on how to create that new, fresh and inviting content that your writing craves!